This is from a Storify created via an iPad (if you haven’t used Storify before, do check it out – it’s a great way to curate content from across social platforms). I’ve used it to pick out some key tweets from the May 2013 b2bhuddle Event. It was the 6th B2B Social Media Huddle, hosted at Oracle’s building in Reading, aimed at people using social media in the B2B marketing space. You can read more about the previous events here, here and here. Scroll down to the bottom for some other news!
Agenda: 6th B2B Social Media Huddle
Like @allanschoenberg‘s comment about spotting the false positives in your social media metrics – numbers alone mean nothing #B2BHuddle
“Use content as your differentiator” says Allan #b2bhuddle, “Know your consistent influencers (internal and external)”
Engagement is key. Use headlines to get people to dive into the content @CMEgroup experiment with different approaches #b2bhuddle
@farhanLDN @CMEGroup Any shared object is social – it lives in a shared narrative, and narratives create change. (waves to #b2bhuddle crew!)
“Headline critical but combined with insightful images, behind curtain, have really driven #socialmedia success” @allanschoenberg #b2bhuddle
Facebook is social advertising.. Linked in is targeted b2b. @B2BHuddle @allanschoenberg . Agree 100% don’t see Facebook in b2b value.
.@adders is liveblogging from today’s #b2bhuddle featuring #drawnalism too! Intrigued? see here:…
LOL :D RT @jamespoulter: How many tech marketers does it take to operate a projector…? #b2bhuddle
RT @RichardNAtDell: .@kimberleybrind is kicking off her presentation with the great #socialnomics video at #b2bhuddle…
Funny how so many people worry about #SocialROI but gloss over PR ROI daily… #b2bhuddle
Marketing is about telling a great story. And if u need to report to the board, you need to tell a great story to the board too. #b2bhuddle
RT @AbigailH: Anecdotal proof-points do not cut through and secure budget for social at board-level. ROI does. #b2bhuddle
Lack of measurement has hindered the progression of social media within B2B #b2bhuddle
“Connections, Reach and Inspiration” – content: user generated, crowd-sourced is achieved by inspiring people #b2bhuddle
1 “@AllisterF: “Inspiration is key” for social media content success, @kimberleybrind #b2bhuddle. So are utility, information, context etc”
From Steve Jobs: “People who know what they’re talking about don’t need PowerPoint.” #b2bhuddle
Buzz, metrics, reach does not justify spend. Business outcomes do. #b2bhuddle
THOSE Slides “Crap. The Content Marketing Deluge. from Velocity Partners” #b2bhuddle
RT @RichardNAtDell: The infamous @adders & today’s nice surprise @drawnalism
Adding additional colour to very colourful words! #b2bhudd… -
“Skate where the puck is going to be” = “Fish where the Fish are” maybe? #b2bhuddle
Global monthly searches for ‘Content marketing’ is 74k #b2bhuddle
Welcome to the Content Effluent Deluge ~ bright thinking from @dougkessler at #b2bhuddle
love it – #b2bhuddle – the single biggest threat to content marketing is content marketing @dougkessler
“@Slideshare is where presentations go to die” – @Dougkessler. Write your presentations so they can be consumed there. #b2bhuddle
#b2bhuddle stand out in What u say and How you say it @dougkessler
- #b2bhuddle – go and explore!
RT @SaraAllison: Go beyond print based experiences and think about how people consume your content @dougkessler #b2bhuddle
#b2bhuddle reduce future reliance on search by creating the right communities @dougkessler . Really valid point
We can no longer rely on Google search results to deliver us traffic ~ there’s just too much competiting noise to stand out #b2bhuddle
RT @jangles: “Social media is about people,” says @dougkessler. Marketers, are you listening? #b2bhuddle
#B2Bhuddle @dougkessler talks about @simonsinek #TED “How great leaders inspire action”
Decide to serve the human audience with your content and Google will come towards you #b2bhuddle
1. Beyond print, 2. Beyond search, 3. Beyond one size fits all, 4. Beyond Teaching, 5. Beyond faceless brands #b2bhuddle
And one last which underpins them all 6. Beyond Yesterday’s Culture. #b2bhuddle
“The best way to predict the future is to create it” c/o Lincoln #b2bhuddle
Great write-up of @dougkessler‘s keynote at today’s #B2Bhuddle by @adders… ^FCH
1 “@kirstorey: Personalisation shouldn’t forget serendipity – the opportunity for the consumer to stumble across things #b2bhuddle”
Awesome paperclip video re: Google Plus your world #b2bhuddle…
RT @EEPaul: Google 500m users up to December 2012, 135m active in 30 days, 235m taking social action across Google #b2bhuddle
Product demos, customer support, market research, business meetings, engaging with influencers: Google Hangout ideas. #b2bhuddle
RT @EEPaul: Early Google adoption was male, techie, but has since normalised to population spread, says Livia #b2bhuddle
RT @MelanieGW: RT @RichardNAtDell: Consistent theme: humanising brands today at #b2bhuddle
#socialmedia rockstars are important but keeping… -
In 2011, average shooper used 10.4 info sources to make a purchasing decision, Up from 5.3 sources in 2010 – @nickgarner #b2bhuddle
RT @kirstorey: #b2bhuddle The young are more likely to search, get recommendations, be social, whereas the over 35s much more likely to rev…
RT @simonjhughes: #b2bhuddle @nickgarner “Depending on complexity & value of product or service, users will research at different times…
read more about how I use my URL shortener at mentioned in #b2bhuddle session
10 Step process to successful social proof & online pr from nickgarner at #b2bhuddle
“The Reality as to Why Most Big Brands Stink at Content Marketing” via @TheSalesLion #b2bhuddle
“A principle is not a principle until it costs you money” – Bill Bernbach, quoted at #b2bhuddle “Talking the Walk”
RT @allanschoenberg: A great #b2bhuddle thank you @jangles @kerrybridge @abigailh and to @kimberleybrind @oracle for hosting
If you are looking for a great event to develop your marketing skills, you might want to check out the upcoming Chinwag Psych event, which covers psychology, neuroscience and big data for business and marketing.